4 Easy Ways to Cleanse Energy

Thinking you may be in need of energy cleansing? You’re in the right place.

Are you’re aware of your best friend/partner/bae/mama’dem’s mood before they tell you what’s up? Can you walk into a room and sense tension or heaviness (or lightness) in the air? Your favorite spot garnered the illustrious title because it “just feels so damn good” to be there? If any of this rings remotely true, you’re probably sensitive to energy, and you’re definitely not alone. In fact, welcome to the club, babygirl.

While being able to effortlessly intuit the energy of others or a space is extremely helpful, it can also be a bit overwhelming. You may be able to recall a situation in which you were vibing high on cloud nine, then, after interacting with someone who was upset, you found yourself irritated and ready to pop off for no real reason. Except there was a real reason: energy exchange. 

Being in close contact with various people or all ‘outside’ with it (*eyes emoji*) can leave you with remnants of negativity in your energetic field, or someone else’s energy flat out. And how might this affect you and show up in your life? The unwanted energy can make you feel anxious, stressed, impatient, stuck, sad, and a heap of other less than thrilling emotions that may not necessarily belong to you. Because of this, it’s important to cleanse your aura and living spaces regularly. Better yet, anywhere you spend a great deal of time.

There are multiple ways to clear and cleanse energy, but we’re gonna keep it simple. And per our usual, we urge you to research, experiment and find the method that works best for you. To get you on your way, consider these four easy ways to cleanse energy:

  1. Meditate + Visualize

    There’s power in the tongue and your thoughts, sis. Connect with your breath, clear your mind, and focus your thoughts on shedding, clearing, or releasing energy that doesn’t serve you, while calling in that which does and seeing it with your mind’s eye. You can think and/or verbalize your intentions with positive affirmations, a mantra, or some good ol’ prayer.

  2. Use Crystals

    Crystals have various healing powers and some are specific to cleansing and elevating energy, such as selenite, amethyst, and black obsidian. You can meditate with them, throw them in your bag (or bra...to each their own), or place them strategically in your space.

  3. Smudge

    One of the most common ways to cleanse energy is by burning dried herbs, either loose or bundled as a wand/stick. We encourage you to find options that are ethically harvested and resonate with your culture or spiritual practices. You can also smudge by burning incense

    To begin, set your intentions. Then open all interior doors and crack a window or exterior door in each room to allow the unwanted energy to flow out. Light your herbs in a fireproof bowl or shell and blow out the flame. Direct the smoke around your body, first, and slowly proceed throughout your space. You can work clockwise or counterclockwise, or whatever feels right intuitively. As the smoke wafts, be sure to also direct it into corners with your hand or a feather.  Once you’re done, extinguish your bundle by pressing it into your fire-safe vessel, allowing your loose herbs to burn out, or pouring dirt or sand over them.

  4. Take a spiritual bath

    A tried and true way to cleanse your spirit and aura is with a spiritual bath. You can keep it simple by boiling Epsom or Himalayan sea salt, herbs, oils, and even flowers, then pouring it over your entire body (after cooling, of course) while focusing on your intention. Another option is to purchase a ready-made bath from a trusted healer, just slide over to our Lil’ Black Book.

    When it comes to your space, you can spritz a mixture of distilled water, isopropyl alcohol or vodka, and essential oils with your intentions on loop.

Simple enough, right? Now get to cleansing, ‘cuz you deserve to be free of any and all energy that doesn’t serve or belong to you.


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