Give a Lil’ Gratitude

Chiiiiiiiiiile, this year has been A LOT, which you already know. But honestly, what year hasn’t, depending on who you ask. While we’ve had a super close, all up in your personal space look at just how wild this simulation can be, there’s still so much to show gratitude for. 

Think about it for a second, if you’re reading and comprehending this, you more than likely have a sound mind and body to be grateful for at minimum (hopefully spirit, too). Let’s also take into account whatever device you’re reading on, and the invisible connection that’s making it possible on Al Gore’s internet. Now that may be seemingly small, depending on your perspective, but a reason to be thankful nonetheless. And if you just so happen to have the latest, most recent technology in your hand, we won’t even get into the abundance you should be shouting about, girl.

Being grateful, giving gratitude and thanks for ALL things ridiculously big or miniscule, tangible or intangible, allows you to see the wealth of good in your life and all that you do have. Even the shit you could do without is serving a very specific purpose, which brings us right on back ‘round to being thankful. Cause can you imagine not expressing gratitude for the discomfort and lessons? You’d probably just keep them on repeat. Cringe…that shol’ ain’t it, sis.

Taking note of all that’s good and well, and crucial to growth in your life cues happiness. And we could all use a lil more of that on a daily basis. There’s even science behind how beneficial giving thanks can be. According to research, giving a lil’ gratitude will help you:

  1. Enhance empathy

  2. Stay positive

  3. Cultivate relationships

  4. Improve your health

  5. Sleep better

  6. Reduce stress and foster resilience

  7. Improve self esteem

And there’s so many ways to do it, don’t think you have to adopt your homegirl’s style of expressing gratitude if it doesn't resonate with you. But if you need a jump start or want to try something new, consider:

  • Journaling what you’re thankful for at the beginning or end of each day

  • Hand writing thank you notes

  • Verbally expressing appreciation to others

  • Affirming and complimenting yourself

  • Making (read: googling) a cute graphic to fill in that’s easy to share on social media

  • Being present

  • Giving a gift to someone or an organization

  • Volunteering

  • Tipping well

Whether you prefer to write it out, rattle it off in your head or aloud during your time of prayer and meditation, or whenever, wherever, and however your spirit feels the need, you heard our good sis Bey, “ALWAYS stay gracious.” 🙏🏿🙌🏿


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