Pisces Season Collective Reading


Pisces Season Card Pull: Five of Cups & The High Priestess

Welcome to Pisces Season! This sign is ruled by Neptune, which means the energy around us will be watery, dreamy, and psychic AF. Collectively, Spirit is urging us to tap into our intuition, cause we be knowin’. 

While this season may have you daydreaming about the past, and perhaps some things or people you lost, you’re being called to trust in the new path the Universe is laying for you. Remember, when one door closes another door opens. Or like a shaman who loves Gucci Mane might say, “Opportunities are like buses, miss one next 15 one comin’.” 

Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac calendar, so Spirit is screaming at us to move into the new year trusting our intuition and the Universe will lead us to the situations and relationships that will serve our highest good. Mourn if you need to, but move forward with joy. Afterall, joy is the ULTIMATE creator. 

If you want more Piscean vibes, tap in with our Pisces Energy playlist on Spotify!


Pisces Season Playlist


Move With Purpose: Setting Intentions