6 Love Rituals to Add to Your Life

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Everybody loves love. How could you not? Even if you don’t walk around voicing your affinity every five minutes to anyone willing to listen, it’s universally understood to be the one thing every human incarnate on Earth yearns for. So, we all want it (and already have it in some form, tbh), but how do we go about cultivating more?

*Rituals entered the chat.*

Now you know there’s a ritual or two for that, and we are all about rituals and routines in our spiritual practice, chile. In fact, we have an entire post dedicated to starting a ritual that we (highly) recommend you check out once you’re done here. But back to the current task at hand. Consider these love rituals to call in more of the blissful, all-consuming, feels-so-damn good energy we can't get enough of:

  1. Daily Affirmations 

    Affirmations are one of the best ways to actively change your thoughts and draw in the energy you need and want in your life (see our post on creating mantras and affirmations). Meaning, if you want to experience more love, begin to speak it into your life every single day. We suggest writing personal affirmations in your colloquial voice, but try these out until then:

    I am love.

    I easily give and receive love.

    I am always surrounded by love.

    I am open to love.

  2. Connect with Crystals

    Crystals help to align your intentions and connect you with the Earth to heal. Whether you’re into working with them or not, your knowledge or intuition (cause we be knowin’) would likely lead you to rose quartz given its soft pink color. Rose quartz is the most recognizable crystal when it comes to attracting love and clearing your heart chakra, but it’s definitely not your only option. You can also scoop aventurine, malachite, pink tourmaline, or rhodonite. Add them to your altar (any space, really), hold them in your hand or to your heart during prayer and meditation, or carry them around to usher more of the highest form of energy into your life.

  3. Sip Love Tea

    Girrrrrrl did you know that all it takes is a few sips of tea to bring more love to your life?! And no, we ain’t talkin’ bout the type of tea your BFF spills, but the kind you literally drink. All it takes is the right herbs. Brew any of the following on their own or mix them to your liking: rose petals, bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, and lavender. 

    Remember to set your intentions as your tea is brewing and while you’re drinking it. However you visualize love, see it filling up your entire being and radiating from your heart center. Not interested in making your own mix just yet? No judgment here. You can find ready-made options online or at a local spot near you (shop small, sis!).

  4. Soak in a Love Bath

    Spiritual baths have long been used to cleanse and reset the spirit and aura. They rid you of unwanted energy picked up from other people or while simply being out in the world, as well as blockages. Just as you care for your personal hygiene, your spiritual hygiene is equally important and should be tended to on a regular. Considering there are various ways to create a spiritual bath, at the basis is a blend of essential oils and herbs that speak to your intentions. When it comes to a love bath, look into using: Epsom salt, rose petals (or rose oil), nutmeg, ylang-ylang, jasmine, patchouli, lavender, and ginger. 

    You can try your hand at creating your own spiritual bath or scroll our Lil’ Black Book to purchase from and support a healer that looks like us. Always cleanse your space beforehand, and even fire up incense or a candle if your heart desires, and prepare to raise your vibration.

  5. Make a Honey Jar

    The use of honey (or sweetening) jars is a traditional Hoodoo practice created by our African-American ancestors that are still commonly used today. They can be used to make yourself or others kinder, or to ‘sweeten’ a situation and make it more positive. Consult an elder/diviner or do some good ol’ thorough internet research on creating a honey jar for love. But be clear, while this is fairly simple and you more than likely have all you need on hand (a jar, honey/sweetener, herbs, written petition, personal effects, and a candle) your intentions are important, as are those from who you are learning. Use discernment in your practice by connecting with your higher-self or guides and getting clear on your purpose for this ritual.

  6. Listen to Music

    When is throwing on some music not the answer for helping to shape, transition, or define your mood? In our opinion, never. Just as it could get you hype for a night with your girls, pre-COVID of course, music can help bring about feelings of love. Try adding your favorite bops that instantly make you happy, as well as those that conjure images of the romantic love you’d like to experience, to a playlist. If you don’t feel like role-playing a DJ, there’s a pretty good chance the music streaming platform of your choice has a few curated options available.


10 Ways to Practice Self-Love


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